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(1 edit)

This was so funny! What a great game experience! And the end credits made the payoff that much better. Nicely done!!

P.S. I caught 2 small typos and wanted to bring them to your attention:

  • At the beginning of the game, it says “a few days into September”, which I think should be “November.”
  • Also in the final scene (witch path), she says “charmed me to know end” which I think should be “no end.”

Thank you so much for playing...and for bringing that to my attention! I think my writing brain might've short-circuited, I'll fix 'em immediately!

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Hi! I just had a clarifying question, what do you mean by "I've been working on throughout the year?"

Hi! I'm so sorry — I posted the submission in the game jam without thinking since a friend sent it to me, and only realised the moment after I submitted that entries needed to be made in September! I technically started outlining the game in February, so it definitely doesn't qualify — if there's a way that I can remove my submission, please let me know, as I couldn't find it! I apologise for my mistake.

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No need to apologize to me! I'm just a curious bystander. Outlining is not against the rules, but if you've started making the game earlier than September (i.e. put together assets, writing, etc), then that's a problem! I recommend removing it to avoid any trouble down the line, especially since this is a competitive jam for money. Your game looks fun though, so I'll definitely check it out soon. :)

Thanks! I just found the path to remove it so I'll do that right away!